What is the Artful Touches package?
Before you see your finished product (i.e. beautiful photographs of your wedding day by Spiering Photography,) every image will receive basic perfecting editing. Great photographs straight out of the camera can almost always be made a little better by basic adjustments in crop, color, contrast & sharpness and each image receives this special treatment before you see it. However, there are also many advanced digital techniques that can be used to “massage” an image and make it really stand out by making colors more vibrant, bringing out skin tones and/or highlighting eyes. The subject can also be emphasized through subtle vignettes, lighting control and selective sharpening. Additionally, a myriad of cool effects can be applied to give the image an artistic edge that really makes it stand out. In my own desire for excellence, I take the time to apply some of these advanced techniques to a handful of my favorite images from your wedding and I’ll include these polished or artistic versions in addition to your standard images free of charge. However, if you are interested in applying these same techniques to your own favorite images, you can ask about my Artful Touches package.
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