Aside from being a good-looking couple who had a perfect wedding day and the best ring-bearer ever, they also happen to be my brother-in-law and brand new sister-in-law! Their solemn ceremony took place at

Last minute preparations

My son, Joseph, was the ring-bearer. He marched up the aisle very seriously and handed the pillow to his uncle Chris.

Aran and her father couldn't have looked happier as they came down the aisle

"With this ring..."

The happy couple

This candid shot just outside the church speaks volumes about the couple

The bridal party played around Downtown Lafayette for a while before the reception. We took lots of pictures and enjoyed the beautiful day. I always love it when a couple blocks out 45 minutes to an hour for fun shots with the bridal party.

This shot is in front of the
Tippecanoe County Courthouse. It is the same building where Jamie and I got our own marriage certificate a little over four years ago.

A quick pose with the gorgeous bride

Sorry ladies, but this dashing gentleman is taken.

I love wedding parties that go after fun shots like this one. Thank you Shane and Pablo for the cannonball and ninja kick--you totally made this shot!

I warned Aran that, as Queen of the Day, she would have to put up with folks fawning over her and gentleman wanting to prevent her from the littlest exertion. The following "candid" shot showcases this beautifully. As you can see, Aran had a difficult time dealing with it all.

The late afternoon sun made for a nice warm glow on these lovely ladies.

Aran's father gave a moving speech and toast

Their beautiful wedding cake

Chris & Aran took ballroom dancing classes before the big day. It really paid off. They looked graceful and, well, picturesque.

Aran and her father

Gettin' down.

He has spent more than 10 years restoring this '69 Firebird. Very nice work, Chris.

The Firebird made for a fantastic looking getaway car...

...however, there were some issues getting it started and a substitute had to be procured with great haste. My props to Wendell, I've never seen someone write "Just Married!" in shaving cream so quickly!

After the reception, we went out for a another little shoot and came up with some fantastic night shots in front of a local fountain.