Sam & Katie: Christendom Chapel Wedding
At the beginning of May, I shot a wedding for Sam and Katie at the Chapel of Christ the King on Christendom College Campus and, I have to say, I was incredibly impressed with how elegant and classic everything was. The reception was at Bowling Green Country Club.

This is shot was so beautiful in its sheer simplicity. Then, just add an antique tone and voila!

The original colors:

The coattails were an especially nice touch:

I thought this shot worked well with this old-fashioned look added to it:

My signature dancing shot:

The couple led the wedding party and guests in a rousing contra dance: the Virginia Reel

This is shot was so beautiful in its sheer simplicity. Then, just add an antique tone and voila!
The original colors:
The overcast sky made for some soft light and a silvery sheen on everything:
The coattails were an especially nice touch:
A meek, yet fun group of girls:
I thought this shot worked well with this old-fashioned look added to it:
My signature dancing shot:
The couple led the wedding party and guests in a rousing contra dance: the Virginia Reel
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